Modification of administration panel content in GavernWP is very easy – it is based on JSON files which include a list of options. Thanks to it, creating new options available in an administration panel is very easy. Options files are in gavern/options catalog in a folder connected with a currently used language. In the catalog,…
GavernWP has an extensive mechanism allowing to create additional theme styles. We may distinguish two main groups of styles in this mechanism: style family styles included in style family given The whole configuration is included in styles.json file: As you can see, it includes color style family which has two styles, namely: Color I and…
In order to make GavernWP framework more flexible, we decided to use files in JSON format for storing thme’s configuration and options layout in an administration panel. You may find files responsible for theme’s configuration in gavern/options/ catalog: fonts.json – a file which stores theme’s groups of fonts. By default, there are three main gropus…
GavernWP has full support for making translations. Because of differences being a result of using JSON files for generating theme’s options, a theme’s translation should be done in three places: with files use from a languages catalog by creating a catalog of a language given in a config catalog by creating a catalog of a…
Gavern Framework has a quite extensive files structure. It is similar to a standard structure of majority of the themes, however, because of many functionalities, there are some new elements.…