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Category Archives: Theme essentials

GavernWP essentials – the most important features and options described in the easy and short form.

Main front-end features

Themes based on GavernWP framework have support for many useful solutions and technologies. The most important ones are: Custom page styles – they extend functionality of standard subpages. Typography – an advanced list of elements gives a possibility to enhance posts about various add ons. Social API – it allows to add buttons for sharing…

Theme CSS

Theme’s CSS code is divided into a few files, loaded in order specified. All these files are in css catalog. You have to remember that order of these files is very important and its change may cause unpredictable changes of theme’s look because of using moving from general styling to detailed styling in CSS code.…

Theme structure

Each theme’s subpage in GavernWP is created and based on one file from theme’s main catalog, e.g. single.php and at least four additional files from layouts catalog: header.php – this file includes starting page’s structure i.e. a head section and the whole headline with elements such as: logo, main menu, etc. before.php – there are…

Framework structure

Gavern Framework has a quite extensive files structure. It is similar to a standard structure of majority of the themes, however, because of many functionalities, there are some new elements.…


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