Workshop 24 de Janeiro de 2015
Pages settings of GavernWP allow to specify basic parameters connected with page’s display:…
List of Filters available in MeetGavernWP Theme For theme parts: gavern_thumbnail_caption (you can change captions of thumbnails) For social links (Every social link can be changed by filter): gk_social_fb_link gk_social_gplus_link gk_social_twitter_link gk_social_rss_link For the title: gavern_blog_name gavern_blog_desc For the Theme logo: gavern_logo_html For metatags: gavern_meta_description gavern_meta_keywords For Open Graph tags: gavern_og_title gavern_og_image gavern_og_type gavern_og_description gavern_og_url…
Hooks allows to “hook” a custom function to an existing function, which allows you to modify WordPress’ functionality without editing core files. Modifying these files may create a security loophole and you will have lost the modification when you upgrade your WordPress installation, so we strongly recommend using hooks. List of hooks available in MeetGavernWP…
Since version 1.6 you can fully use the Child Themes feature. The implementation of the Child Themes support is strictly connected with two functions: gavern_file_uri – returns the URI to the specific file relative to the root of the theme directory gavern_file_path – returns the absolute path to the specifi file relative to the root…
Responsive tables in Meet GavernWP needs to have proper structure with the thead and tbody elements – then our script will prepare tha table for correct display on the mobile devices with smaller screens (under 600px). Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Pharetra Sem Tortor Amet Nulla vitae elit libero a pharetra augue Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla…
This post contains an example of the Custom Post Fields. …
This is an example of the Image Post Format:…
This is an example of the Aside Post Format, which can be used to show less important posts. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.…