Advanced settings
An advanced settings section includes settings which are connected with different aspects of GavernWP framework work:
- Widget rules – it allows to switch on this mechanism. It is recommended to switch on this option in the case when there is no need to use widgets visible on a chosen subpages. Note that it will allow to optimize a little bit the speed of a website as operations of checking rules for each widget will not be made.
- Custom Fields – it switches custom fields option, used to display additional information in the post.
- Hidden Custom Post Fields - it specifies a list of the Custom Post Fields which will be always hidden. The names of fields should be separated by comma i.e. hidden1,hidden2,hidden3.
- Google Analytics Tracking ID - The Google Analytics tracking code collects visitor’s data for your website and returns this data to Analytics where you can see it in reports. Enter your ID here.
- Use Prefixfree script - Enable/Disable the usage of the Prefixfree script which causes that the CSS vendor prefixes are unnecessary.
- Parse emoticons in the text widgets – it activates parsing emoticons to a graphic form in widgets.
- Parse shortcodes in the text widgets – it activates parsing of Shortcodes in widgets.
- Use Thickbox – it allows to switch on Thickbox script for presenting images included in posts.
- Value of variable $content_width this variable is used while creating thumbnails of images for posts, that’s why it has to be defined as an appropriate value – we recommend to set the value not bigger than the max. page’s width.
- Excerpt length (in words) - specifies the value of the excerpt length used in the posts (the length is specified in words).
- Use the override.css file – thanks to switching on this option, an override.css file will appear at the end of the list of CSS files which allows to overwrite theme’s CSS rules easily without interference in existing CSS code.
- Add target blank to comments links – if this option is enabled, then every link in the comments text will open in a new browser tab.
- Autolinking in comments – if this option is enabled, then every link in the comments text will be automatically changed into hyperlink
- Enable support for Open Search – it allows to switch on support for Open Search technology.
- Enable support for Open Graph – it allows to switch on support for Open Graph technology – after switching on this option, an additional metabox will appear on the page for editing posts: